Solstice Gratitude and Dreaming In Spring!

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2024

 Solstice Gratitude and Dreaming In Spring!
(Dreaming Your Desires Into Being Is Based On 3 Things)


Further below I'll share 3 things for dreaming your desires into being. But first, related notes...

Our lives are enfolded by cycles. The natural cycle of the Solar landmarks of the Solstices, Equinoxes and Cross Quarters are but one. Honoring Nature’s cycles connect us to a deep sense of sacred spirituality that connects us more deeply to the world around us.


We have the march of the seasons, the monthly cycles of the Moon, the sea’s daily tides, and other cyclic aspects of Nature, which encompasses us, too. 

Like the tides or waxing/waning Moon, each of us pours our light out to others and takes in the light given in reciprocity to us. 

This give and take is a fundamental aspect of the incredible natural world. connecting with it can provide a kind of soul healing.

No wonder that Light is celebrated in many traditions in this dark part of the year. Indeed, the sharing of our light/energy is a unique and precious form of loving.

People thrive in that cycle, and we are no exception.

Since this Solstice announces the Winter season where we live, this is the time I honor the pregnancy of Mother Nature. Like a human pregnancy, there isn’t much visibly happening for a while. Most of the life is tucked in and awaiting Springtime, but it is an active kind of waiting.

Inside trees, they are holding the sugar they made during the warm and sunny days. This precious commodity is what they will use to kick start the making of new leaves when the time is right. Like a good farmer who jars the bounty of their produce, the trees have bottled up their dance with the sun’s magic! 


The evergreens continue to produce sugars from photosynthesis. The meager sunlight means that it is just enough to sustain them and the fungus network in the soil until the light returns.

The Wood Frogs, who released intercellular antifreeze are sleeping in the cold ground. If we were to dig one up, they would appear hard, cold and lifeless. Yet, they will defrost when the time is right and warm up around their heart first. That little heart will begin to beat as the rest of the body thaws. When all is ready, the frog with wriggle out of the Spring mud and begin their own New Year. Then their voices will once again join with the Eastern Grey Tree Frogs and Spring Peepers for our annual Spring chorus!

Since we, as a species, have largely separated ourselves from the cycles of nature, we can sometimes feel Winter as a long, dark burden. However, if we choose to, we can follow Nature’s lead and begin dreaming our personal Spring into being. This attitudinal shift can help us break through our inner limitations.


Dreaming your desire into being is based upon three things.

The first is gratitude! We need to feel grateful about where we are first. Truly and genuinely. We need to make that a deep daily practice as it begins to transform our physiology and psychology aligning us with the flow of Life and Nature. It is not just thinking about gratitude but using memories as cues to actually FEEL gratitude in your body. Once I am feeling grateful, I savor it and use other memories to build it even bigger inside of me.

Next, you must feel and experience what you want to dream into being as if it were already here. Not specific details, but the depth of feeling of that thing already done. What does it feel like? Use your brilliant imagination and feeling body to experience what you want to bring into your life. Become the person who has that dream fulfilled and let go of outcome about how it might manifest.

Lastly, follow through with anything your spirit teachers suggest about your dream. Follow through is always necessary. Don’t collapse into fear or being impatient.  Use your energy to continue your gratitude and feeling it already done and continue to bring that gratitude to all aspects of your life.


The “Springtime” of your dream may take days, months, years or even decades. Just keep faithful to your gratitude practice and carry on with life! It is a practice that will become its own kind of sustenance, not just until your dream manifests, but to nourish you into a New Human! You will be giving the healing gift of your gratitude to every being around you. And in so doing, participate in the care and nurturance of Mother Earth. 

What could be better than that? 😃

With our blessings, love, and very best wishes from all of us at Spirit Passages Academy!



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