8 Benefits of Developing Your Own Shamanic Journeying Practice + Special Gift!

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2024

For tens of thousands of years, our collective ancestors found methods to expand awareness for the purpose of finding information and guidance that would have been unavailable in ordinary reality or by using our ordinary senses. It was a problem-solving method that helped our hunter-gatherer ancestors to thrive.

The shaman’s altered state of consciousness—or trance--may be induced through several time-honored methods. These include using repetitive sensory stimuli such as intensive prolonged rhythmic dancing, rattling, chanting, flickering firelight, or drumming.

We are all wired for altered consciousness experiences and I'll share more about brain wave states and the science further below but first The 8 Principal Benefits of Developing Your Own Shamanic Journeying Practice and a special gift!

8 Beneļ¬ts of Developing Your Own Shamanic Journeying Practice
(to enhance what was once referred to as the “right brain”)

To support you in developing your own shamanic journeying practice (or if you'd like to refine your practice), here's our Shamanic Journeying: Traveling Between the Worlds Beginner and Experienced Journeyor Guide along with a shamanic drumming audio track. 

Claim and enjoy it with no strings attached. 

Now, on to the science if you're interested in that...

A study published in 1973, found that altered states of consciousness are virtually universal in their distribution across human societies.

The study sampled 488 societies and found that fully 90% of those sampled groups exhibit institutionalized, culturally patterned forms of altered states of consciousness. The study also concluded that the capacity to experience an altered state of consciousness seems to be part of the psychobiological heritage of our species. (1)

Along with shamanic journeying’s ability to help our ancestors solve the problems of survival, the process also contributed to their brain function, mental health, and immunity. For instance, a study published in 2001, found that repetitive drumming resulted in increased dehydroepiandrosterone-to-cortisol ratios, increased natural killer cell activity, and increased lymphokine-activated killer cell activity without alteration in plasma interleukin 2 or interferon-gamma. This study involved group drumming however similar immune-boosting, and stress-relieving effects were also discovered to occur in individuals.

Shamanic ASC (Altered States of Consciousness) induce brain interhermispheric integration, interhermispheric integration, frontal-limbic integration, brain stem-limbic-frontal integration, and integration across the neuroaxis. These conditions have numerous adaptive consequences, including healing, stress reduction and information integration, especially in visionary experiences and visual imagery. (2)

Shamanic Journeying and Your Brain Along with its ability to help you solve problems, find hidden information, and access hidden wisdom, shamanic journeying alters your brain in very positive ways.

Shamanic journeying produces stimulation of four brainwave states:

 Alpha State (7-12 HZ) = Mystical states of consciousness, calmness, creative thinking, “right brain” activity is engaged

• Theta State (4-7HZ) = “Reverie State” of conscious that is open to intuition and inspiration, mental calmness, promotes new ideas/perspectives on a situation, supports a peak “flow state”

 Delta State (0-4HZ) = Feelings of connection of spirit and body to a universal energy, promotes mind and body regeneration/healing, relaxation.

• Gamma State (30-80HZ) = Facilitates the brain's optimal frequency of functioning (including cognition and problem-solving), better memory, increased ability to process information, increased levels of compassion and positive emotions; allowing for heightened perception and consciousness, psychic abilities and out-of-body experiences. (3)(4)(5)

Again, we encourage you to develop your own shamanic journey practice or if you're experienced, further enhance your practice with this no strings attached gift we're offering to you today.  To receive the gift now, click here.

Here's to an empowered and thriving life!

Evelyn Rysdyk and Allie Knowlton


1-Erika Bourguignon. “Introduction: A Framework for the Comparative Study of Altered States of Consciousness”. In Religion, Altered States of Consciousness and Social Change. E. Bourguignon. ed. (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University, 1973). 3—33

2-Michael Winkelman. “Shamanic Universals and Evolutionary Psychology” . Journal of Ritual Studies, Vol.16, No. 2 (2002) pp. 63-76 https://www.jstor.org/stable/44364143 accessed June 25, 2024.

3-Klaus D. Hoppe (1989). “Psychoanalysis, Hemispheric Specialization, and Creativity”. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis: Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 253-269. haps://doi.org/10.1521/jaap.1.1989.17.2.253


5-Cox SR, Brownfield A. “Unleashing the Power of the Right Brain”. Am J Pharm Educ. 2023 Jan;87(1):ajpe8904. doi: 10.5688/ajpe8904. Epub 2022 Mar 11. PMID: 35277381; PMCID: PMC10159612.



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